Dr. J. Gerard Coneys
Program Director
Bre-Anne Kiesman
The primary objective of the Gastroenterology training program at the University of Manitoba is to excel in the domains of patient care, research and teaching. We have a collegial and well diversified section. Our faculty are recognized experts in the fields of: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, nutrition, functional GI disorders and GI motility disorders, clinical outcomes research (colorectal cancer, GI bleeding), endoscopic ultrasound (diagnostic and therapeutic), Endoscopic management of Barrett’s esophagus including RFA and EMR, ERCP and spyglass pancreatoscopy, viral hepatitis, hepatic neoplasia, cirrhosis and its complications. A summary of the highlights of our program:
This residency program is for 2 years. Program length of training does not exceed the Royal College or College of Family Physicians of Canada standard.
The Gastroenterology training program at the University of Manitoba is a two-year program approved and accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Our primary objective is to provide excellence in the domains of patient care, research and teaching. Intensive training in clinical Gastroenterology will enable our trainees to acquire the necessary skills to become expert GI clinicians. Trainees will also be strongly encouraged to pursue their academic / research interests. As residents progress through the program, they assume increasing responsibility under appropriate supervision with the flexibility to be self-directed in defining their own educational needs through the selection of elective rotations. Ambulatory care is emphasized in our program to expand the patient spectrum upon which to learn. Although we strongly encourage the development of research skills, we will foster and promote the career path chosen by each trainee (academic, clinician scientist, private practice [rural/urban] etc.). The program director and faculty are always available to provide support and advice to our trainees. The 2 year training program is comprised of both mandatory and elective rotations. Mandatory rotations In patient GI consultation service (includes GI bleed service) 10 – 12 months Hepatology – 3 months Electives – 9 months As Gastroenterology has transitioned to CBD/CBME, the Trainee’s rotation related exposure will depend on their stage of training (Transition to Discipline, Foundations, Core and Transition to Practice). The early aspects of training focuses predominantly on the inpatient consultation service and GI bleed consultation service. This enables the trainee to have an intense exposure to endoscopy facilitating the acquisition of cognitive, diagnostic and therapeutic related endoscopy skills. As well, trainees will develop a solid clinical approach to the management of patients with both acute and subacute GI illnesses. It should be noted that there is no GI inpatient ward as all patients with GI based problems are admitted to hospital under General Internal Medicine. Thus, the trainee functions exclusively as a consultant and is able to focus specifically on the pertinent GI issues. An early introductory nutrition rotation will also be part of the curriculum to ensure adequate early exposure as required by the Royal College. As the trainee progresses, there will be ongoing exposure to continue refining their endoscopic skills with a shift of focus towards therapeutic endoscopy (under appropriate supervision). As well, developing the cognitive skill to manage more complex GI related illnesses will be emphasized. In discussion with the program director, the trainee will also be able to tailor portions of their education specifically to fit their needs (see below for a list of elective rotations). Included among the elective rotations is dedicated time for research which will ensure adequate time to prepare and complete the mandatory research project that is supervised by one of our faculty members. Available elective rotations include:
Each trainee will be assigned to a longitudinal clinic that will span the 2 years of GI residency training. The trainee will have one preceptor during their first year of training and a different preceptor during the 2nd year of training. This will ensure the trainee has abundant exposure to outpatient Gastroenterology while benefitting from different styles of practice.
As part of the academic curriculum, there are several regularly scheduled rounds / teaching sessions throughout the year to further enhance the educational experience.
The second and fourth Thursday of each month, the trainees will present a formal oral presentation on a focused clinical topic in Gastroenterology. Attendance is mandatory.
An evening Journal club moderated by invited external faculty is scheduled 4-5 times per year.
During their training, trainees can take advantage of our two state of the art endoscopic simulators housed in the new Clinical Learning and Simulation Facility – an 11,000 square foot high-tech facility, one of Canada’s most comprehensive clinical learning and simulation centers. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy and ERCP are available simulator options.
Complicated and interesting cases involving GI Medicine and GI Surgery are discussed weekly at these collaborative rounds attended by Gastroenterologists, General surgeons and Colorectal surgeons.
First year trainees are expected to attend an introduction to endoscopy course. All related expenses are covered by the GI training program University of Manitoba.
Twice per month (Mondays at noon) the faculty and trainees discuss their challenging cases in GI and liver pathology with our expert GI and liver pathologists.
During these rounds cases with complications or unexpected outcomes are reviewed and discussed with the faculty. Each resident is required to present a complicated case rounds once during their residency training.
Each Wednesday, Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, Radiologists and Hepato-biliary and Pancreatic Surgeons present and discuss their challenging cases in an interactive forum.
Once a month, faculty, trainees and collaborators meet to discuss ongoing research in the section of Gastroenterology.
Annually, a full day conference is held at the University of Manitoba where recognized national and international GI experts are invited to speak on various topics in clinical Gastroenterology.
Annually, in collaboration with University of MB, UBC, UAB and U of C a one day comprehensive OSCE and Short answer exam is given to all trainees from the aforementioned universities.
All GI trainees participate in the HPP course. The goals of the course include:
The applicants must indicate which publications are in peer reviewed versus non-peer reviewed journals/publications. If the applicant has submitted an article for publication at the time of CaRMS application, the applicant must provide evidence of journal notification of submission. The applicants must indicate all presentations at local resident research day as well as national and international conferences, and any prizes awarded. If a presentation (oral or abstract) has been submitted to a conference, the applicant should include any letter of acceptance by conference organizers.
A current curriculum vitae (CV) including all relevant information required for assessment of education, leadership, administrative and research experience is mandatory. Where applicable, please document whether activities are voluntary or reimbursed. Your CV should be downloaded to the document section. For research papers that have been submitted but not yet published, please include acknowledgement of submission from the journal. See comments above under Research/Publications for information regarding how to document your work.
International or US Medical Graduates Only – you must provide a RCPSC assessment of training form from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada: website: www.rcpsc.medical.org
For the CaRMS Match which will take place in the Fall of 2021, all interviews will be conducted electronically. The applicant may meet electronically with a panel of interviewers, or with interviewers individually, or a combination of both.
Please be advised that the 2023 PGME New Resident Orientation Day is scheduled for Thursday, June 29, 2023. This Orientation is mandatory for all incoming residents.
Manitoba | |
PGY-1 | $62,663 |
PGY-2 | $69,370 |
PGY-3 | $74,410 |
PGY-4 | $80,134 |
PGY-5 | $85,863 |
PGY-6 | $91,586 |
PGY-7 | $97,192 |
PGY-8 | $104,784 |
See also, terms of the contract of the Professional Association of Residents and Interns of Manitoba (PARIM – www.parim.org). ACLS is required for some programs and is provided at the University of Manitoba. View the PARIM contract.
Registration Fee / Tuition Fee
University course registration/tuition fees are paid by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.
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