Dr. Stu Murdoch

Directeur(trice) du programme

Holly Downey

Admissions and Recruitment Coordinator
Détails de l'application

Diplômés canadiens en médecine

5 Available Spots

Diplômés hors Canada et États-Unis

3 Available Spots

Calendrier des événements

Événements à venir
There are no events at this time.
Événements à venir de
Université de Toronto
There are no events at this time.

Faits saillants

  • Five streams with diverse hospital teaching sites in each stream
  • Horizontal or block rotation schedule
  • Hospital-based Family Medicine teaching unit (FMTU) or preceptor-based teaching models
  • Tertiary centers or community hospitals
  • Multiple opportunities for electives (independently arranged based on interest) or selectives (resident selects from focused list of options
Resident responsiveness
  • Family Medicine Residents Association of Toronto (FRAT)
    • The resident-led council comprised of chief residents and PGY-1 reps from each site and stream as well as committee reps & social reps
  • Committee memberships (both local, provincial and national)
  • Local delivery of curriculum (responsive to site directors/program assistants and site chief residents)
  • Professional Association of Residents of Ontario General Council representation relative to program size
  • Diverse patient population (broad range of clinical, socioeconomic, cultural issues)
  • Unparalleled learning opportunities
  • Excellent teacher to learner rations (does not exceed 1:4 in Family Medicine)
Strong Academic Profile
  • Fully accredited by the CFPC 2020
  • High pass rates for both Canadian Medical Graduates and International Medical Graduates on national certification examination
  • Scores consistently above the mean on all components of national exam
  • Competency-based curriculum
  • Family Medicine Medical Expert Assessment of Progress (FM-MAP) for residents to self-monitor progress on essential Family Medicine competencies
  • Opportunity and support for research/academic Projects
  • Quality Improvement curriculum and project support
  • Protected weekly academic time at hospital teaching sites (academic half days)
  • Protected quarterly core days with central core teaching with residents together from all hospital teaching sites
Additional Program Highlights
Breadth and quality of PGY 3 Enhanced Skills Opportunities

See Enhanced Skills in Family Medicine program opportunities.

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Renseignements généraux

The University of Toronto’s Department of Family & Community Medicine (DFCM) is recognized internationally for its clinical and educational excellence. The goal of the program is to prepare you to practice Family Medicine anywhere in the province (urban or rural) and the country. The DFCM program has 5 Family Medicine residency geographic streams you may apply to separately through CaRMS:

The same application should be submitted for each stream to which you apply. Only one application will be reviewed. Attendance at only 1 Virtual Interview Session is required if you apply to 1 or more of the 5 University of Toronto streams: Greater Toronto Area, Barrie or Newmarket, Midland or Orillia, Intergrated Communities, and/or Integrated Communities – Uxbridge Markham. Your hospital teaching site is determined after the CaRMS match results, using a separate internal matching process. You will be asked to rank your preference of hospital teaching sites available to you depending on the stream you have been matched to.

  • To learn more about all our Hospital Teaching Sites click ici.
  • To view an interactive Map of all our hospital teaching sites by stream click ici.
  • To view our Quick Facts: Hospital Teaching Site Comparison Chart by streams click ici.

Please see our stream specific CaRMS program description for all details.

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Informations sur les salaires

Post graduate salaries and benefits differ by province and are determined by two things: your training year, and the province you work in. See below the salaries and benefits for University of Toronto - Family Medicine - Integrated Communities Stream.
Effective October 4th, 2023 
Professional Leave
7 working days/year
Additional time off provided for writing any CND or US certification exam, leave includes the exam date and reasonable travel time to and from the exam site. Additional RCPSC & CFPC Certification Examination
Prep Time
  1. Subject to operational requirements and at the request of a resident, a resident will not be scheduled for call duties for a period up to fourteen days prior to a CFPC or RCPSC certification exam.
  2. Subject to operational requirements and at the request of a resident, a resident *will be granted up to seven consecutive days off during one of the four week*s preceding a CFPC or RCPSC certification exam.
Annual Vacation
4 weeks
Meal Allowance
Frequency of Calls
1 in 4 In-hospital, 1 in 3 home
Pregnancy Leave
17 weeks
Parental Leave
35 weeks, 37 weeks if resident did not take pregnancy leave
Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan
Top-up to 84% 27 weeks for women who take pregnancy and parental leave; 12 weeks for parents on stand-alone parental leave.
Provincial Health Insurance
Extended Health Insurance
Provincial Dues (% of salary)
Dental Plan
85% paid for eligible expenses
CMPA Dues Paid
Under current arrangements, residents are rebated by Ministry of Health and Long Term Care for dues in excess of $300.
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Yes – 70% of salary, non-taxable.
Statutory and Floating Holidays
2 weeks leave with full pay and benefits;
10 stat days plus 1 personal floater.
Residents are entitled to at least 5 consecutive days off over the Christmas or New Year period, which accounts for 3 statutory holidays (Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day), and 2 weekend days.
Life Insurance
Yes, 2x salary
Salary and Benefit Continuance
A resident that can’t work due to illness or injury will have salary and benefits maintained for 6 months or until end of appointment (whichever occurs first)
Call Stipend
$127.60 in-hospital; $63.80 home call or qualifying shift on shift-based services.
Weekend premium:
$140.36 in-hospital; $70.18 home call or qualifying shift on shift-based services.
Updated October 4, 2023

Visit the PARO website.

En lire plus

Explorer le lieu

Integrated communities – Mid-Ontario Sites
The Integrated Communities Stream is an innovative program designed to prepare residents for comprehensive Family Medicine. It combines one year (PGY-1) of training in a Toronto community hospital teaching site Toronto East Health Network – Michael Garron Hospital (TEHN) or North York General Hospital (NYGH) with one year (PGY-2) of training in one of four mid-Ontario communities: Midland, Orillia, Port Perry and Orangeville

Expérience des résidents

Hilary Stone
À votre avis, quels sont les points forts de votre programme?
The Integrated Communities Program is truly the best of both worlds. I liked starting in a block structure at a community site in Toronto where there were lots of opportunities to learn from different specialists and excellent family medicine teachers, but then switch to a smaller centre where you really get to tailor the learning experience to what you want and need. I also really appreciated being with a great group of residents throughout the first year, building relationships that then I keep (via long-distance) throughout the second year and beyond. I also love that I get to explore different communities and get a feel for where I might want to be long-term.
We are encouraged to identify our own learning goals, and then the site directors are very helpful to support and find opportunities for us so we are able to make the residency experience what we want it to be (within reason of course).
Everyone is very friendly within the program, for both years. Residents are always asking each other questions and advice about different rotations etc., and it is extremely collegial.
In Toronto I was part of a run club, and also enjoyed meeting up with friends for dinner and going away on some weekends to go camping or skiing. I also just got married so a good chunk of my time over the past year was spent wedding planning. In Midland, I’ve been loving living so close to the lake, and I’m excited to check out different trails and restaurants in the area.
Scheduling is fairly flexible (especially if you plan ahead, as well as for the second half of the program in the smaller community), which is very helpful to support wellness and planned personal activities. The site directors are also very approachable when it comes to discussing wellness concerns.
? I’m excited to explore what it is like to live in a smaller community, as well as further explore what family medicine can look like in this smaller community. I’m also looking forward to working towards my own independence as a family doctor.

Foire aux questions

IMG Admissions related questions:  e-mail, someone on behalf of the seven Ontario medical schools will respond.