
Dr. Sheila Smith

Program Director

Barb Smith

Program Administrator
Application Details

Canadian Medical Graduates

International Medical Graduates

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Program Highlights

  1. Diverse pool of faculty with highly applicable areas of interest
  2. Excellent, experienced support staff
  3. West Winds is an excellent facility for learning Family Medicine
  4. Major focus on resident wellness
  5. Best hospitals in Saskatchewan: JPCHS, RUH, SPH, SCH
  6. Excellent program for training low-risk Obstetrics
  7. Great opportunities for procedural skills.
  8. Excellent support for research
  9. Multi-disciplinary team (RN, NP, pharmacist, home care, public health) all in one building
  10. Good track record of grads working and succeeding in Saskatchewan
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General Information

Our mission is to create, teach, and develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes specific to the discipline of Family Medicine. We will work to optimize health by demonstrating excellence and innovation in service, education, and scholarly activity. We will provide university, hospital, and community-based education consistent with the principles of Family Medicine. We will focus our efforts on working with communities in response to their health needs.


  • Residents are provided 20 vacation days per year
  • NRP is provided by the program
  • There is ample opportunity to teach medical students
  • Very competitive resident salaries
  • CMPA insurance is paid by the University of Saskatchewan
  • Annual Resident Retreat
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Salary Information

Post graduate salaries and benefits differ by province and are determined by two things: your training year, and the province you work in. See below the salaries and benefits for University of Saskatchewan - Family Medicine - Saskatoon.
Gross annual PGY-1 Salary
Gross annual PGY-2 Salary
Gross annual PGY-3 Salary
Gross annual PGY-4 Salary
Gross annual PGY-5 Salary
Gross annual PGY-6 Salary
Educational Leave
Minimum 7 days with pay, 12 Maximum
Annual Vacation
4 weeks
Meal Allowance
Frequency of Calls
1:4 in-house (if in excess of 1:4 paid $196/period from 1700-0800 weekdays and $249 from 0800-0800 weekends)*
1:3 out-of-house
Maternity Leave / Paternity
In conformity with Sask. Labour Standards Act – 17 weeks max maternity leave and up to 35 weeks parental leave.
5 paid days paternity (can split the 35 weeks parental leave with mother as desired.)
Supplemental Maternity Leave Benefits
15 weeks topped to 90% pay when eligible for Employment Insurance
Provincial Health Insurance
Yes, if registered with Sask. Health
Extended Health Insurance
Blue Cross family coverage, if registered with a Provincial Health Plan
CMPA Dues Paid
Dental Plan
Statutory and Floating Holidays
1.5 times pay or 1/2 pay & day off for stats, plus 6 extra paid days off at Christmas
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Paid premium cost for Disability Insurance
Life Insurance
Paid premium, >$100,000 coverage
Sick Leave
1.25 days per month to maximum 75 days
Provincial Dues (% of salary)
Employee Assistance Program
Two programs available through SMA and University of Saskatchewan
On-Call Stipends
Home Light: per duty period: $72 weekday; $83 weekend
In House: per duty period: $166 weekday; $191 weekend
ICU/CCU: per duty period: $166 weekday; $191 weekend

Updated August 24, 2022

*Effective January 1, 2021

Term of Collective Agreement – visit for contract details.

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Explore Location

Bridge in the foreground of the city
Saskatoon is a city straddling the South Saskatchewan River in Saskatchewan, Canada. North along the riverside Meewasin Trail is Wanuskewin Heritage Park, with exhibitions exploring indigenous culture. On the trail’s southern stretch, native wildlife inhabit the prairie grasslands of Beaver Creek Conservation Area. East of the river, the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo has manicured gardens and a children’s zoo.

Resident Experience

Cole Picot
In your opinion, what are the highlights of your program?
Supportive staff, tons of elective time, and strengthens my ability to be independent.
I’ve been able to work very closely with many staff and build a strong relationship with them. I’ve never been treated like I’m “less than”. And they have always been responsive to my learning needs.
The program is very friendly. I look forward to clinic days because I get to see the other residents and joke around with them and the staff.
I am able to spend a decent amount of time with friends and family. I often can exercise 3-4 times per week and cook for myself. This depends on the rotation of course. Overall, I am pleased with my life outside of residency.
The staff are very responsive to our wants and needs. Our schedules are quite flexible and can be adapted to our goals.
I look forward to gaining more independence and becoming a more confident and skilled physician.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each resident is required to complete a scholarly project during the two-year residency. Residents are supported by faculty and staff of the Research Division to complete this work. The project must be presented by residents at the annual Resident Scholarship Day and a manuscript must be submitted. All residents are required to complete scholarly academic modules and will have protected time to complete these activities.

Quality improvement and reflection on one’s own practice are important components of the practice of Family Medicine and there is increasing emphasis on this activity. All residents are required to participate in a practice assessment, as set out by their training site.

Planning for academic sessions is coordinated across all sites of the program. An Evidence Based Medicine course and a Scholarship Skills course are mandatory for the first year. Physician Management courses and ethics courses are provided. Written and Simulated Office Oral Exam preparation is provided.