
Dr. Derrick Randall

Program Director

Chelsie O'Brien

Program Administrator
Application Details

Canadian Medical Graduates

1 Available Spots

Events Calendar

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University of Calgary
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Program Highlights

The University of Calgary Otolaryngology Residency Program alternates between taking one and two residents per year through the CaRMS process. We will be taking one resident through the CaRMS match in 2023. One of the strengths of our program is the large clinical volume in multiple teaching hospitals. The large number of teaching faculty relative to the low number of residents often allows even junior residents to be the “only resident” on a given ENT rotation, this allows our residents to gain extensive surgical experience early in their training.

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General Information

Required Documents

Reference Letters: 3 letters of reference in the CaRMS format are required. Additional letters will not be considered. References from academic supervisors familiar with the candidate’s academic and personal qualifications are preferred. At least 2 letters should be from otolaryngologists.


Supporting Documents

Undergraduate and Medical School transcript required

The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) letter (Dean’s letter) summarizing the candidate’s medical school performance and provides a summary evaluation of the student’s potential as a resident.

Personal Letter: A personal letter is required and should express the reasons why the candidate is applying to Otolaryngology and, more specifically, the U of C program. Letters must not exceed 250 words.

Vision Assessment: A stereoscopic vision assessment, completed within the previous 6 months, is required. This could be performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characterisitics (CASPer®): All applicants are required to complete the online assessment, CASPer®. CASPer is an online situational judgement test that assesses for numerous personal and professional characteristics. Altus Assessments has released CASPer Snapshot, an extension of the CASPer test to help aid in the admissions process. Our program will NOT be requiring our applicants to complete Snapshot for this admissions cycle, however, please note that because of its one-time completion, other programs you are applying to may require it. You can learn more about Snapshot at the CASPer site.

Custom CV: A custom curiculum vitae (CV) is required.



In order to provide potential applicants with an overview of the Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery training program at the University of Calgary, virtual orientation sessions, involving the program director and several current residents, will be held on November 23, 2022 and December 07th, 2022. If you are interested in attending please contact the program administrator, Ms. Chelsie O’Brien.

A virtual social event, hosted by current Otolaryngology residents at the U of C, will be held on February 5th, 2023, for all applicants selected for an interview. Attendance is encouraged, but not mandatory.

Our interview date is Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, our program will notify all applicants through CaRMS Online and will send email invitations directly to applicants selected for an interview.

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Salary Information

Post graduate salaries and benefits differ by province and are determined by two things: your training year, and the province you work in. See below the salaries and benefits for University of Calgary - Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery - Calgary.
Pay Level 1
Pay Level 2
Pay Level 3
Pay Level 4
Pay Level 5
Pay Level 6
Pay Level 7
Pay Level 8
Educational Leave
14 days paid leave
Annual Vacation
4 weeks/yr
Call Stipends
Weekday in-house – $118.02
Weekend in-house / holiday – $178.72
Weekday home call – $59.01
Weekend home call / holiday – $89.35
Frequency of Calls
In-house call: 7/28. 2/4 weekend call.
Home call: 9/28. 2/4 weekend call
**A Resident scheduled on Home call but who is required to work more than four hours in hospital during the call period, of which more than one full hour is past 12:00 a.m. and before 6:00 a.m., or more than six (6) hours in hospital during the call period, shall be remunerated at the rate for In-House call.$100 per day for each scheduled weekend day of patient rounds when not on-call
Practice Stipend
Extended Health Insurance
75% premium paid $1000 per year Flexible Spending Account*
Provincial Dues (% of salary)
Dental Plan
75% premium paid
CMPA Dues Paid
Life Insurance
100% towards $150,000 coverage
Life Support Course Costs (Program Approved)
100% paid
Long-Term Disability Insurance
100% paid for 75% gross income
Statutory Holidays
Paid days. Additional days off are given if resident works the day before and part of a named holiday.
Parental Leave
2 weeks leave with full pay and benefits; 52 weeks (inclusive of Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leaves) – unpaid leave
Sick leave
Up to 3 months or to end contract paid leave, whichever occurs first
Maternity Leave
18 weeks total (17 weeks paid to match 90% of salary when combined with EI)

Updated September 2024

Resident Physicians shall advance to the next pay level upon completion of twelve (12) months of service at each level. (PARA Agreement – Article 35)

*Terms of Agreement January 2022 – June 2024

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Explore Location

Aerial view of Calgary walking bridge
Calgary, a cosmopolitan Alberta city with numerous skyscrapers, owes its rapid growth to its status as the centre of Canada’s oil industry. However, it’s still steeped in the western culture that earned it the nickname “Cowtown,” evident in the Calgary Stampede, its massive July rodeo and festival that grew out of the farming exhibitions once presented here.