
Dr. Holden Chow & Dr. Monika Wojtera

Program Director

Rhea Ignacio

Site Coordinator
Application Details

Canadian Medical Graduates

7 Available Spots

International Medical Graduates

1 Available Spots

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University of British Columbia
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Program Highlights


This residency program is for 2 years. Program length of training does not exceed the Royal College or College of Family Physicians of Canada standard.  


Welcome to the Abbotsford-Mission Site!

Thank you for your interest in our program located in the cities of Abbotsford and Mission, BC. We hope you consider coming to a Site that is known for it’s great teaching, innovation and supportive community. Since we began in 2010, we have worked with our residents, staff, preceptors and graduates to continually improve the delivery of our Program. The majority of training will occur at the Abbotsford Regional Hospital (ARH) and Cancer Center, a 300-bed facility and your home family practice clinic located in Abbotsford or Mission. Some highlights of rotations at ARH include a 150 bed Medical Unit, a busy Maternity ward with over 2,500 births per year, a tertiary Palliative Care unit, a busy Emergency Department and Regional Trauma center run by CCFP-EM colleagues. Community educational opportunities include Youth Clinic, Prison Medicine and Addictions. More importantly, we have a group of dedicated family doctors and specialists who are committed to your education. Because we have a small number of learners and do not compete with other resident disciplines, you get one on one teaching, lots of opportunities to perform procedures and see a large number of patients. You will given a lot of responsibility!  

Purpose / Objectives

The goal of our program is to make sure we graduate competent, committed, happy & healthy family doctors. We look forward to seeing you here!

Academic Half Day

We pride ourselves in our Academic Half Day program. We take advantage of this time to reinforce, supplement and emphasize topics that are of importance to family practice. There is plenty of interaction and we always have a family doctor facilitate to maintain relevance to Residents. We also use these days for Simulation, Procedure teaching and Wellness sessions. Attendance is mandatory. Resident participation is encouraged and expected through Resident Led Teaching sessions.


In the first year, residents complete a quality improvement project. Throughout the two years, residents complete a scholar project and present their work at a local Scholarship event.

Out of Province and International Electives

Residents can do one month of out of province or international electives during their training subject to the guidelines set by the Program.

Enhanced Skills Opportunities

Third year training positions are available in the area of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesia, Palliative Medicine, Sports and Exercise Medicine, Clinician Scholars program and a wide range of other category 2 Enhanced Skills programs.

International Electives

Residents can do one month of interprovincial or international electives during their training.

Further Training

Third year training positions are available in the area of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesia, Palliative Medicine, Sports and Exercise Medicine, Clinician Scholars program and a wide range of other category 2 Enhanced Skills programs.

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General Information

— Site General Information —

Abbotsford is a city located in British Columbia , adjacent to the Canada–United States border, Greater Vancouver and the Fraser River. With an estimated population of 141,397 people it is the largest municipality in the province outside Metro Vancouver. Abbotsford-Mission has the third highest proportion of visible minorities among census metropolitan areas in Canada, after the Greater Toronto Area and the Greater Vancouver. It is home to the University of the Fraser Valley, and Abbotsford International Airport.​ Abbotsford has direct access to the Trans-Canada Highway, and is minutes from the Sumas US Border crossing. Known as the “City in the Country”, Abbotsford blends urban amenities with rural comforts. City of Abbotsford Mission (population: approx. 38,000) is a short 15 minute drive from Abbotsford across the Fraser River.   


Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre is a publicly funded acute care hospital with 300 beds. As a regional hospital, this world-class medical centre provides services to the Eastern Fraser Valley communities including renal, cardiac care unit, larger NICU, nuclear medicine, MRI and a six-bed adolescent mental health treatment centre.  

UBC Family Medicine

Family Medicine training in BC presents you with many unique opportunities. We are a fully accredited distributed program with 20 training sites. In an effort to meet the evolving needs of our society, each site provides a solid foundation in the knowledge and clinical skills of Family Medicine so that our graduates are prepared to practice in a variety of settings. While our program offers diversity of training, it is based on common goals, learning objectives, and assessment standards. All residents are required to do a mandatory 2-month rural rotation in Family Medicine in their second year. Residents in the Coastal, or rural programs in the Okanagan or the North complete longer rural placements. Residents can also apply to participate in Enhanced Rural training for a total of 4-6 months in rural communities. There is extensive academic and administrative support for the entire residency program. Our central program administrative team is based in Vancouver on UBC campus. At the site level, leadership teams are made up of a Site Director, Site Faculty, Chief Residents and administrators. Lead Program Faculty provide provincial education support in the areas of curriculum, assessment, faculty development, scholarship and behavioral medicine. The Family Practice Postgraduate Education Committee has representation from all sites to ensure a connected, distributed program that fully meets accreditation standards. Residents are represented at all levels of governance. A wide range of amazing recreational and cultural opportunities are at your doorstep, as well as a collegial community of residents and physicians with whom you can learn, grow, and play. We want your experience to be in BC to be a positive and enjoyable one.  

Training Sites: Overview

Visit the UBC Family Medicine Postgraduate website for a detailed overview of each of the 20 sites and their surrounding communities. Each site provides opportunities to experience Family Medicine in their unique context, offering special opportunities to gain experience and skills unique to the area where you are training. The following is a list of our sites and their base community/hospital. Each site serves the surrounding community (see training sites for full details) Greater Vancouver / Lower Mainland

  • Abbotsford-Mission
  • Coastal (North Vancouver, Lion’s Gate Hospital)
  • Chilliwack
  • Indigenous (Greater Vancouver and rural Indigenous communities)
  • St. Paul’s (Downtown Vancouver, Inner City)
  • Surrey South Fraser (Surrey Memorial Hospital)
  • Vancouver Fraser (New Westminster, Royal Columbian)

Interior Region

  • Kootenay Boundary (Trail, Nelson, Rossland, Castlegar)
  • Kelowna Rural (Kelowna R1 year; rural communities across BC in R2 year)
  • Kelowna Regional
  • Okanagan South (Penticton)
  • Kamloops
  • North Okanagan (Vernon)

Vancouver Island

  • Indigenous (Victoria, Duncan, Ladysmith and rural Indigenous communities)
  • Nanaimo
  • Strathcona (Comox, Campbell River and Courtenay)
  • Victoria
  • Quw’utsun (Cowichan)


  • Fort St. John (Northeast)
  • Northern Rural (Prince George R1 year; rural communities across BC in R2 year)
  • Prince George
  • Terrace (Rural Northwest)
  • Rural Immersion (Communities: Smithers, Quesnel, Vanderhoof, Chetwynd/Tumbler Ridge, Mackenzie, Valemount/McBride)

IMG positions are offered at the following sites:

  • Abbotsford-Mission
  • Chilliwack
  • Coastal
  • Fort St. John
  • Kamloops
  • Kootenay Boundary
  • Nanaimo
  • Okanagan South
  • Kelowna Rural
  • Kelowna Regional
  • Prince George
  • Strathcona
  • St. Paul’s
  • Surrey South Fraser
  • Vancouver Fraser
  • Victoria


Resident Support

Resident resilience and wellness is our top priority. Important resources have been developed by our program to support our residents throughout the course of the training. All UBC programs are allocated a fixed amount of funding per resident for Resident Activities. This funding is used to provide educational support to residents during their 2 years of training. This includes funding for residents to attend program-wide courses and events. Additionally, residents may identify conferences and educational materials that would supplement their training experience. A discretionary, per resident funding will also be allocated to the sites for a similar purpose at the site level.

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Salary Information

Post graduate salaries and benefits differ by province and are determined by two things: your training year, and the province you work in. See below the salaries and benefits for University of British Columbia - Family Medicine - Abbotsford-Mission.
British Columbia
Gross Annual PGY-1 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-2 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-3 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-4 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-5 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-6 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-7 Salary
Educational Leave
Annual Vacation
4 weeks
Meal Allowance
Frequency of Calls
1 in 4 onsite/1 in 3 offsite
Maternity Leave
17 weeks, plus up to 78 weeks Parental Leave
Provincial Health Insurance
100% Premiums Paid
Provincial Dues (% of salary)
Extended Health Insurance
100% Premiums Paid
CMPA Dues Paid
Yes, mandatory
Dental Plan
100% Premiums Paid
Statutory Holidays
2x pay plus extra day with pay
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Yes 100% Premiums Paid
Sick Leave
Life Insurance
100% Premiums Paid
Updated July 25, 2023

Terms of Agreement April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022
Resident Doctors of BC website

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Explore Location

Abbotsford is where farm meets table, spirit meets nature, and travellers meet our diverse community. Come for the eats, the arts, and the wide open spaces. Come for adventures, experiences, and for moments you’ll take with you wherever you’re headed to next.