
Dr. Will Guest

Program Director

Jennifer Wong

Education Programs Manager
Application Details

Canadian Medical Graduates

7 Available Spots

International Medical Graduates

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Program Highlights

The Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) is a national, independent, not-for-profit, fee-for-service organization that provides a fair, objective and transparent application and matching service for medical training throughout Canada. The UBC Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program uses CaRMS to facilitate CMG applications and interviews for interested applicants into our program.

Throughout the academic year, the Department of Radiology hosts several internationally known visiting professors which includes up to 10 hours of lectures on topics covering their own special interests. There are daily Noon Rounds, a weekly Academic Half Day, and a weekly Grand Rounds session for which residents are excused and expected to attend. The Academic Half Day also includes rounds with community radiologists, practice OSCE exams, and resident-resident teaching rounds. Journal Club takes place twice per year and is moderated by a faculty member. Every resident has the opportunity to attend the AIRP Course with financial assistance from the program. Junior and Senior residents write the ACR DXIT Exam each year, paid for by the program, which also provides access to RadExam. Each of the major teaching hospitals has hardware and software for computer-based learning, and residents are provided with subscriptions to both Rad Primer and StatDX, paid for by the program.

In a typical year, there are several social events that bring everyone together, including but not limited to a Summer BBQ, Ski Day, Holiday Event, and Graduation Dinner. Interested to hear a little more about our program? Please watch this short promotional video to hear from current residents in our program.

Below are program highlights, summarized by Resident levels.



This year, as arranged at present, encompasses several facets of clinical medicine using a standard rotating format with medical and surgical rotations. UBC radiology offers a day back curriculum which runs longitudinally through the R-1 year to help residents gain a basic understanding of radiology, as well as to feel a stronger connection to their home program. This occurs on the last Wednesday of every month. Additionally, a Block 13 Anatomy course/ Radiology bootcamp is also provided to all R-1s.



The first six months of the second year is devoted to obtaining a broad exposure to diagnostic radiology, covering neuroradiology, chest radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, abdominal imaging, emergency and trauma radiology, through the modalities of CT, radiography and ultrasound. A dedicated course for emergency radiology is given prior to the start of call, which begins approximately after 6 months. R-2 residents will do 1 block of “buddy call” at various sites to aid in preparedness for call. The remainder of the year is rounded out with additional rotations including MR, mammography and nuclear medicine.



The third year covers a broad spectrum of radiology completing more of the required rotations in the different subspecialty areas, including angiography/intervention and pediatric radiology. In this year the residents start to function more or less as general radiologists under supervision. The Physics curriculum has been condensed into an intensive one-year curriculum which is taken by all R-3s. Early in this year residents are exposed to the concept of radiology audits by our vice-chair of quality.



The last two years can be tailored to the needs of the individual resident as long as the requirements of the Royal College have been met. Further training in pediatric radiology, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging, mammography and oncological radiology is added to the areas already mentioned. Block periods of training can be arranged in specific areas according to the interest or needs of the resident. Rotations at community hospitals and private clinics are also available. Dedicated time to research projects is available.


Audits & Research

Every resident is required to complete a clinical audit project and is strongly encouraged to pursue at least one research project during their residency training. To facilitate this process, during the second year of training the residents will be introduced to the basics of research; data collection, critical evaluation of information, critical reading of scientific literature and the basic principles involved in writing a manuscript. There is also an annual Research Day in late Spring of each year. Many of our residents who present at our Audit and Research Day events benefit from also presenting their work at the annual RSNA and CAR conferences.


Contact Us

If you are a CaRMS applicant and have any questions about the Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, please email

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Salary Information

Post graduate salaries and benefits differ by province and are determined by two things: your training year, and the province you work in. See below the salaries and benefits for University of British Columbia - Diagnostic Radiology - Vancouver.
British Columbia
Gross Annual PGY-1 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-2 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-3 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-4 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-5 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-6 Salary
Gross Annual PGY-7 Salary
Educational Leave
Annual Vacation
4 weeks
Meal Allowance
Frequency of Calls
1 in 4 onsite/1 in 3 offsite
Maternity Leave
17 weeks, plus up to 78 weeks Parental Leave
Provincial Health Insurance
100% Premiums Paid
Provincial Dues (% of salary)
Extended Health Insurance
100% Premiums Paid
CMPA Dues Paid
Yes, mandatory
Dental Plan
100% Premiums Paid
Statutory Holidays
2x pay plus extra day with pay
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Yes 100% Premiums Paid
Sick Leave
Life Insurance
100% Premiums Paid
Updated July 25, 2023

Terms of Agreement April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022
Resident Doctors of BC website

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Explore Location

Vancouver cityscape
Vancouver (/vænˈkuːvər/ (listen) van-KOO-vər) is a major city in western Canada, located in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia. As the most populous city in the province, the 2021 Canadian census recorded 662,248 people in the city, up from 631,486 in 2016. The Greater Vancouver area had a population of 2.6 million in 2021, making it the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada.