Dedicated program leadership: The program director has protected time and is well supported by administrative staff. The director, program leadership and rotation supervisors are approachable, resident-oriented and effective.
Strong relationships between residents and staff: Due to the program size, residents quickly develop a collegial relationship with staff. The resident cohort itself is friendly, cohesive and supportive.
Program design: Our program is logically designed with graduated responsibility, while also allowing for resident choice in their rotations and education. We offer ambulatory experiences in all three years. The curriculum has been mapped in detail to objectives of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and is a leader when it comes to the Royal College Competence by Design initiative. We are highly responsive to resident input.
Effective resident assessment: We have formal annual practice orals and Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs), coupled with timely, useful and personalized feedback. The Resident Development Committee ensures follow-up on all flagged concerns.
Edmonton is a welcoming city and is affordable and safe.
The city is innovative and growth-oriented.
There is an energetic feel to the city, with a vibrant arts scene, many festivals and other year-round activities.
It is a connected and engaged community.
Alberta | |
Pay Level 1 | $58,934 |
Pay Level 2 | $65,232 |
Pay Level 3 | $70,259 |
Pay Level 4 | $75,291 |
Pay Level 5 | $81,584 |
Pay Level 6 | $86,615 |
Pay Level 7 | $93,577 |
Pay Level 8 | $101,114 |
Educational Leave | 14 days paid leave |
Annual Vacation | 4 weeks/yr |
Call Stipends | Weekday in-house – $118.02 Weekend in-house / holiday – $178.72 Weekday home call – $59.01 Weekend home call / holiday – $89.35 |
Frequency of Calls | In-house call: 7/28. 2/4 weekend call. Home call: 9/28. 2/4 weekend call **A Resident scheduled on Home call but who is required to work more than four hours in hospital during the call period, of which more than one full hour is past 12:00 a.m. and before 6:00 a.m., or more than six (6) hours in hospital during the call period, shall be remunerated at the rate for In-House call.$100 per day for each scheduled weekend day of patient rounds when not on-call |
Practice Stipend | $1,500 |
Extended Health Insurance | 75% premium paid
$1000 per year Flexible Spending Account*
Provincial Dues (% of salary) | .95% |
Dental Plan | 75% premium paid |
CMPA Dues Paid | $1,500 |
Life Insurance | 100% towards $150,000 coverage |
Life Support Course Costs (Program Approved) | 100% paid |
Long-Term Disability Insurance | 100% paid for 75% gross income |
Statutory Holidays | Paid days. Additional days off are given if resident works the day before and part of a named holiday. |
Parental Leave | 2 weeks leave with full pay and benefits;
52 weeks (inclusive of Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leaves) – unpaid leave
Sick leave | Up to 3 months or to end contract paid leave, whichever occurs first |
Maternity Leave | 18 weeks total (17 weeks paid to match 90% of salary when combined with EI) |
Updated September 9, 2022
Resident Physicians shall advance to the next pay level upon completion of twelve (12) months of service at each level. (PARA Agreement – Article 35)
*Terms of Agreement July 1, 2018 – December 30, 2021
Our program is seeking collegial applicants with clearly demonstrated strong interpersonal and team skills. We are looking for enthusiastic, well-rounded applicants who have had a variety of experiences not only in medicine but in the arts, team sports and community service.
We want leaders and applicants with a true passion for medicine as evidenced by an eclectic mix of electives, which may include obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesia, rural family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine and/or its subspecialties.
We encourage and support scholarly work for those who wish to pursue it, while providing ample opportunity for rural, community-based training. Residents have also had opportunities to participate in international health experiences.
We provide strong in-patient training in acute care medicine and many subspecialties so that graduates are comfortable with critically ill patients. We provide ambulatory care experiences in all three years of training. This prepares our residents to look after patients in all care settings, which allows them make informed decisions on their future career.
With our night float and night pool system, one-in-four in-house call (or less) is limited to junior medicine rotations, cardiology and critical care. Most other subspecialty rotations will have you complete two to three in-house weekend calls and a few late stays per rotation (hematology, GI, nephrology, respirology), or home call (ID, rheumatology, etc).
Night pool: A two-week weekday team overnight rotation that provides coverage for our core subspecialty services (hematology, GI, nephrology, respirology); PGY 1-3 participate.
Night float: A two-week weekday overnight rotation providing senior medicine coverage; late PGY 2s/PGY 3s participate.
Our program is very well-structured with adequate supervision in the early years and graduated responsibility in the more senior years.
We have an exceptional program director who is willing to make changes and is a true resident advocate. We offer excellent teaching with morning and noon sessions and a well-structured academic half-day, with protected time for academic sessions. Our clinical teachers are beyond comparison.
There is ample opportunity for rural selectives and electives, as well as international electives. There are also plenty of research opportunities and support for residents interested in research.
Our large catchment area makes for interesting and rare cases, including exposure to transplant medicine.
We have fully implemented Competency Based Medical Education (CBME), with more than 4,000 Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) completed in 2019/20.
We received full accreditation with no weaknesses cited on our 2017 Royal College review. Our next Royal College review is not until 2025.
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