
Dr. Rya Boscariol

Program Director

Sara Cover

Program Coordinator
Application Details

Canadian Medical Graduates

1 Available Spots

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NOSM Anesthesiology Information Session
— Information Session
NOSM Anesthesiology Information Session
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NOSM University
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Program Highlights

The Anesthesiology program at NOSM University strives to be outstanding. We have a strong history of training Royal College residents with unparalleled clinical experience and incredibly skilled and enthusiastic staff.

This year we are excited to offer a residency training position at our Thunder Bay site. Faculty at this site are experienced in resident training and offer an exceptional breadth of clinical exposure to trainees. Current and past NOSM anesthesia residents have had the opportunity to complete rotations in Thunder Bay and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Residents in this program will have a number of opportunities unique to Northern Ontario. While the majority of the training takes place in Thunder Bay, several dedicated subspecialty rotations will be completed in Sudbury, including vascular anesthesia, thoracic anesthesia, and cardiac anesthesia. There will be longitudinal exposure to pediatric anesthesia during residency in Thunder Bay. However, NOSM anesthesia residents have also historically completed 3 blocks of pediatric anesthesia at The Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto.  Residents in this training program will have a chance to gain exposure to multiple sites across Northern Ontario, ranging from small rural hospitals to other urban centres such as Sudbury. This will provide a unique chance to understand how anesthesia is provided outside of a major teaching center, as well as provide exposure to potential career opportunities.

The NOSMU Anesthesia academic program is based on “active learning” utilizing a wide variety of simulation and problem-based cases. Through an innovative, comprehensive curriculum and assessment process, residents in this program will receive frequent feedback to help acquire lifelong, reflective learning skills, ensuring clinical excellence. In addition to the CBD framework, novel education interventions, simulation, and e-learning are integral parts of the program. We are highly responsive to resident feedback resulting in a process of continual evaluation and modification of the academic and clinical program.

We are using a unique, modular framework to implement CBD to help organize and guide the resident’s progress while adding flexibility to allow individualized progress.

In addition to clinical research opportunities, residents have a unique ability to engage in medical education scholarship in this cutting-edge program.

Residents in this program will work in a collegial group, dedicated to outstanding clinical care and education.

In addition to the above, other aspects of the NOSM University program that set it apart include:

  • Rapid integration as a valued member of the healthcare team
  • Community-based, clinical learning experiences
  • Exposure to the culture and social fabric of Francophone and Indigenous communities
  • State-of-the-art technologies in both the clinical and academic setting, including a new simulation centre
  • Exceptional lifestyle balanced with a multitude of recreational opportunities in Northern Ontario
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General Information

Applications will be accepted through the CaRMS R-1 Match application process.

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Salary Information

Post graduate salaries and benefits differ by province and are determined by two things: your training year, and the province you work in. See below the salaries and benefits for NOSM University - Anesthesiology - Thunder Bay.
Effective October 4th, 2023 
Professional Leave
7 working days/year
Additional time off provided for writing any CND or US certification exam, leave includes the exam date and reasonable travel time to and from the exam site. Additional RCPSC & CFPC Certification Examination
Prep Time
  1. Subject to operational requirements and at the request of a resident, a resident will not be scheduled for call duties for a period up to fourteen days prior to a CFPC or RCPSC certification exam.
  2. Subject to operational requirements and at the request of a resident, a resident *will be granted up to seven consecutive days off during one of the four week*s preceding a CFPC or RCPSC certification exam.
Annual Vacation
4 weeks
Meal Allowance
Frequency of Calls
1 in 4 In-hospital, 1 in 3 home
Pregnancy Leave
17 weeks
Parental Leave
35 weeks, 37 weeks if resident did not take pregnancy leave
Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan
Top-up to 84% 27 weeks for women who take pregnancy and parental leave; 12 weeks for parents on stand-alone parental leave.
Provincial Health Insurance
Extended Health Insurance
Provincial Dues (% of salary)
Dental Plan
85% paid for eligible expenses
CMPA Dues Paid
Under current arrangements, residents are rebated by Ministry of Health and Long Term Care for dues in excess of $300.
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Yes – 70% of salary, non-taxable.
Statutory and Floating Holidays
2 weeks leave with full pay and benefits;
10 stat days plus 1 personal floater.
Residents are entitled to at least 5 consecutive days off over the Christmas or New Year period, which accounts for 3 statutory holidays (Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day), and 2 weekend days.
Life Insurance
Yes, 2x salary
Salary and Benefit Continuance
A resident that can’t work due to illness or injury will have salary and benefits maintained for 6 months or until end of appointment (whichever occurs first)
Call Stipend
$127.60 in-hospital; $63.80 home call or qualifying shift on shift-based services.
Weekend premium:
$140.36 in-hospital; $70.18 home call or qualifying shift on shift-based services.
Updated October 4, 2023

Visit the PARO website.

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Explore Location

Harbourfront view with cargo ship and the Sleeping Giant in the background
Thunder Bay
Bright, vibrant and unique in every way. The city with a giant heart. Where urban life meants natural beautity. Thunder Bay is a city on Lake Superior, in northwestern Ontario, Canada. The Fort William Historical Park recreates an 1816 fur trading post. A trail leads to the summit of Mount McKay. Offering panoramic views, the Terry Fox Memorial and Lookout features a statue of the athlete and cancer research activist. On Sibley Peninsula, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park has trails, plus wildlife like moose and wolves.