U of A Radiation Oncology: Research and Living in Edmonton!

Information Session
University of Alberta Logo.
November 8, 2023
18:30 –  
Conley Kriegler
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RSVP Required

Please join us for the third of the University of Alberta's Radiation Oncology Residency Program's virtual meet and greets! 

Event Date: Wednesday November 8th, 2023
Event Time: 
18:30-19:00 PM MST
Event Address: Link to zoom meeting to be provided via email.
Contact Information: kriegler@ualberta.ca

For this session, we will be joined by several of our current residents (we only invited the nice ones!) to talk about what cool research is being done here and why we love living in our city!

Please provide your email to be sent a link. We promise to only use your email to send information about this and other similar events. Feel free to submit questions ahead of time or during the session - all questions will be anonymized, or ask them during the session!

We look forward to meeting you!

Event Sign-up Form: https://forms.gle/VNAmtJoBd9MPy7hY6 

FUTURE EVENTSSession 4: Meet the PD (Again!) (Thursday, November 23rd, 2023 @ 18:30-19:00 MST) - Sign up at: https://forms.gle/SY6QrzssH5tstBuY6 

Session 5: Meet the Residents (Again!) (Monday, November 27th, 2023 @ 18:30-19:00 MST) - Sign up at:  https://forms.gle/yBQqLqJv1MGFkgNt8 

Additional information about our program can be found below:

U of A Radiation Oncology Residency Training Program:  
Radiation Oncology Residency Program | Department of Oncology (ualberta.ca)

Meet our Residents | Department of Oncology (ualberta.ca)

Our CANPREPP Program Profile: https://www.canprepp.ca/program-directory/university-of-alberta---radiation-oncology---edmonton

Radiation Oncology Residency at the U of A - Youtube:Radiation Oncology Residency - Video 1 - YouTube
Radiation Oncology Residency - Video 2 - YouTube
Radiation Oncology Residency - Video 3 - YouTube


Departmental Website: https://www.ualberta.ca/oncology/research/radiation-oncology.html

University of Alberta Postgraduate Medical Education Website: https://www.ualberta.ca/medicine/programs/residency/index.html

Residency Training in the Department of Oncology: https://www.ualberta.ca/oncology/programs/residency-training/index.html

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